Aloe Jucunda Plant
Aloe Jucunda Plant
Rs. 499.00 Rs. 299.00
Pink Princess | Philondendron Erubescens | Rare houseplant
Pink Princess
Rs. 10,000.00 Rs. 4,500.00

Beat The Air Pollution combo

Rs. 1,999.00 Rs. 1,899.00
  • Crassula Ovata is the perfect choice for all the laid-back & even active gardeners.
  • This easy grow & maintain succulent fits perfectly in all spaces, from tabletops to office desks to even study tables.
  • Of all the top oxygen plants that clean & filter air, the snake plant takes lead as it converts CO2to O2 at night.
  • Rubber plant is more often grown indoors as a houseplant
  • Red Aglaonema makes it one of the most popular houseplants worldwide.
Rs. 1,899.00


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With attractive foliage, Crassula Ovata is the perfect choice for all the laid-back & even active gardeners. This easy grow & maintain succulent fits perfectly in all spaces, from tabletops to office desks to even study tables. This adds a perfect minimalist green touch to your space.

Of all the top oxygen plants that clean & filter air, the snake plant takes lead as it converts CO2 (carbon dioxide) to O2 (oxygen) at night, making it ideal to have several in your Bedroom, living room, and study room. It needs moderate watering (Once in 2 weeks).

Ficus elastica, also known as the rubber plant, is an unusual-looking varietal native to the tropics of Southeast Asia. It boasts oversized, oval-shaped leaves that are a rich emerald hue, and can grow quickly, reaching up to 100 feet tall in its natural habitat. However, it's more often grown indoors as a houseplant, where it can be planted and cared for year-round and its size kept more manageable.

The easy to cultivate and easy to care feature of Red Aglaonema plant makes it one of the most popular houseplants worldwide. Infact, it is a dream come true for plant parents who prefer to raise low maintenance plants, getting the best of both the worlds. The bright red colour of this plant adds a spot of colour to the indoor spaces. Infact, they are great for offices, corners, terraces and balconies.

For best care to your plants, we recommend using Gardengram plant nutrient Grow N Glow that can be used once a month as per applicable dosage. 

Beat The Air Pollution combo
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