Try This To Keep Your Plants Safe From Pests
Living organisms which cause harm to humans, plants or animals are called pests. These pests may compete for nutrition, cause physical damage and suspiciously inhabit a place you don’t want them to be in. Here, we’re specifically going to talk about pests which you should keep your home garden safe from.
First of all, weeds which grow unwanted along with a plant are not really a pest. They do compete for nutrition but some weeds like ‘Bathua’ can be consumed, unlike a wasp which isn’t something you would want to put in your body. On that note, time to call out a few culprits. Caterpillars love to chew on leaves and stems. Worms do the same. Sucking the mineral-filled water flowing through a plant’s stem is the job of aphids which are generally red and have black spots on their body. You bet you’ve seen them. Beetles poke tiny holes in leaves and some attack the flowers too. We also have soft and cotton surfaced tiny creatures called mealybugs which cluster around the stem to suck away your plant’s food.
There are two action steps to save your saplings. You either kill pests or you repel them. We recommend doing both, naturally. You can start off by making garlic paste and crushing chillies. Then add one spoon of these along with one spoon of liquid soap in a container with about 2 litres of water. That’s your pest repelling and poisoning solution which you can spray on your leaves and soil with the same sprayer that your barber uses. A precautionary reminder- Avoid this liquid from coming in contact with your eyes, mouth and nose and properly wash hands after spraying.
There are many artificial variants available in the market for repelling and killing pests but we would not suggest you go that way. In case you’re really up for something that isn’t home-based, try adding a spoon of neem oil to a litre of water and spraying it. You can replace this neem oil with a more traditional alternative of boiling neem leaves and using that water to protect your home garden.
We hope your plants lead a healthy life that would make you plant parents, happy.
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