Crepe Jasmine
Crepe Jasmine
- Crepe Jasmine is a tropical evergreen shrub.
- Crepe Jasmine prefers bright, indirect sunlight.
- Crepe Jasmine requires regular watering
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Chandni or the Crepe Jasmine, is a gorgeous shrub worthy of your homes. The abundant flowers are shaped much like a pinwheel, giving this plant another of its common names — pinwheel flower. Crepe jasmine fits the bill with white flowers that shine in the moonlight year-round.
Crepe jasmine grows in full sun to shade, but they look best when grown in filtered shade. A shrub that that grows densely and flowers in shade is certainly something to be admired. This plant is great for creating a shrubbery border; it also looks good as a specimen plant, and its rounded form makes it a fabulous foundation planting against a windowless wall (it will grow large enough to obscure a window).
Pruning is needed to maintain a more compact form if that is what you desire. These plants thrive in moist, well-drained soil, but grow well with minimal water once well established. Plants perform best in acidic soil; when they are planted in more alkaline soils they made need fertilizer for best results. With this in mind, it’s best to plant crepe jasmine away from concrete as the soil around concrete is usually more alkaline.
The long-term health of crepe jasmine is not affected by insects, diseases, or nematodes, so you can expect to enjoy this shrub for years to come.