Moon Cactus
Moon Cactus
Rs. 899.00 Rs. 799.00

Echeveria Green Spoon

Rs. 599.00 Rs. 399.00
Rs. 399.00


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Echeveria Green Spoon is a dainty succulent that has soft round leaves which develop a reddish border when exposed to strong sunlight. 


Natural indirect / artificial bright light is ideal for its growth. Like most succulents, echeveria love full sun outdoors and need a sunny window if you grow them as an indoor plant.  In very hot climates, they may need some protection from full midday sun. When you bring the plant outdoors in the warm weather, try to acclimatize it to the sun by gradually giving it more and more sunlight each day. If you move it from indoors to outside and place it in full sun right away, it could scorch the leaves.


The plants need water regularly during the spring and summer if you have them outside in the full sun.  If you grow them in planters, be sure that there is very good drainage. A special cactus and succulent soil is perfect. Echeveria plants hate having wet feet.   Be sure to cut back on watering during the winter months when the plants are more dormant. Outdoors, give succulents a good soaking and then let the soil dry out before water them again.  Depending on how hot your summer gets, this could mean every day


Fertiliser and Potting mix 

We recommend using Garden soil mix to pot the plant and Grow N Glow every month in a quantity of 1 teaspoon. 



Echeveria Green Spoon
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